Dream Factory Review

Dream Factory
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When we were browsing the local board game shop today we found 'Dream Factory'- there weren't any reviews on it really so we decided to give it a whirl... and man are we glad. Now the game information claims it is a 2-5 player game, however, me and my boyfriend found that it would be best played with 3 or more people. The goal of the game is to outbid your opponents for the hot shot stars and big name directors to cast in your movies. When you set up you're given a set amount of money tokens, three blank screenplays, and a privacy board. The game consists of four rounds, it's a fairly quick game but really enjoyable once you get into it. As you start to fill out your screenplays with directors, actors, musical scores, action scenes, and famous stars- you wrap up production and gain points according to the "star factor" of each token as well as the star rating of the film. As you progress players will be awarded with trophies such as first completed (for each genre- comedy, action, and drama), movie of the year (with respected genres), best director, and worst movie (overall).
We're really happy with the purchase and really excited to get a larger game going, I definitely recommend this for small groups or if you're hosting a party / board game night.

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As the producer of a multimillion Hollywood studio, it is your job to sign the most wanted stars, obtain the rights for anticipated screenplays and assemble a buzzworthy team to produce the biggest blockbusters. After years of hard work, you have three astounding screenplays in your hands; all that is left to do, is for you to produce them. You are about to visit magnifi cent cities and attend parties with the cream of the crop. Hopefully, you'll be able to sign Steve Spellborg to direct your next masterpiece.

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