Bruce Wilcox's Go Dojo - Sector Fights Review

Bruce Wilcox's Go Dojo - Sector Fights
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I have enjoyed the game of GO since the early 1980s. In the past several years, I have paid over $2,000 to 9 Dan and 7 Dan Professional Go instructors; yet, I have learned more in-depth Go strategy from Bruce Wilcox's Go Dojo interactive instruction than I thought possible in such a short time. The CDs are loaded with detail on Go strategies, provides thousands of examples, and many tests to drive home the point of each lesson. There is instruction for those who are just starting to learn the rules of GO, through those who have years of frequent play under their belt. There is even a library of balanced opening play sequences (joseki) to learn with by practice.
If you are an amateur GO player, then Contact Fights and Sector Fights, will make you stronger at a cost effective price that is unmatched. There is much work involved, and much to learn, but GO is the most complex board game there is that can be mastered at its higher levels. Also, I found the instruction to be fun, and easily understood. There is so much instruction, examples, and testing of what you leaned provided, that it will occupy a great many hours of your time. Each CD is probably equivalent to taking a 3 credit hour college course on GO. It is not easy to master, but it is a very fast way to become a very strong GO player in a short time.

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Sector Fights are battles over containment, be it of a potential territory or a weak group. Sector Fights happen throughout the opening and midgame and their results are crucial. This 1900 page Dojo installment is primarily about strategy. It supplies tactics as needed (which is often), but that is not its goal. Sector Fights includes: a thorough training in sector lines, attack and defense of groups, attack and defense of potential territory, and the partial and whole board strategies involving interrelations among sectors, including the Great Wall Opening. There are many thoroughly commented games. It is about the length of 7 Go books and helps make sense out of the contents of many of the books already out there by providing you with a proper theoretic context. Each level covers how to see the board and what rules to follow. There are interactive tests to confirm you understand the rules and a printable crib sheet to glance at as you takelive action testing'of your understanding in whole board games. You play along with the original players - guessing the correct move for your level of understanding and seeing where the original players got it right or so very wrong. Should you get it wrong, Dojo reminds you which rule you're breaking and lets you try again until you get it right. Also included is Kogo's Joseki Dictionary for studying joseki. The Dojo is a computerized interactive tutorial targeting four groups of students:

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