Wrath of Ashardalon: A D&D Boardgame Review

Wrath of Ashardalon: A DandD Boardgame
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I got the chance to play this board game last night, and I found it to be a much polished follow up to their earlier board game, "Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game". You do not need to own or have plaid Ravenloft to play and enjoy this game. In fact, I consider this a superior product.
First and foremost it comes with a wide variety of plastic miniatures, these are the same soft minis they release for their separate miniatures line meaning they won't chip or break, but also are unsuitable for traditional miniature painting. They are unpainted, but the plastic color for each is chosen to denote the power and theme of the monster (red for demons, grey for duergar and so forth).
The artwork on the tiles is well done, and the tiles themselves are solidly constructed. There is a huge variety of tokens and cards for all situations in the game, these are all competently put together. If I had to pick 1 complaint, and it would be minor, it is that there are too many different varieties of tokens, and unless you put together some sort of sorting mechanism (plastic baggies work fine) it's easy to get the things you are looking for lost in a pile of tokens.
Gameplay starts by choosing a scenario from the included booklet, which includes everything you need to know to set up this particular adventure. The scenarios increase in difficulty as you go along, but do not require continuity to play, so if you have a favorite you can jump right there. Everybody plays, there is no person running this game for the players, it is entirely player driven. Exploration occurs by drawing random tiles, which are accompanied by monsters and random encounters.
One fun touch are environment cards which are ambient effects that remain in play until another is drawn. These range from an increase in the number of monsters drawn to walls of magma. Players control the monsters they place, which are driven by simple scripts telling you what they do in clearly defined situations (if they are far away, move them up, if they are near attack, etc, etc.)
The rules system will be very familiar to anybody who has played 4th edition D&D, but simple enough for newcomers to grasp. Once the game gets going, it quickly cascades giving a real feel of desperation without becoming unmanageable. The random encounters and events are fairly well balanced, and I found this to be a solid game.
Plays between 1 and 5.

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A cooperative game of adventure for 1–5 players set in the world of Dungeons & Dragons®.A heavy shadow falls across the land, cast by a dark spire that belches smoke and oozes fiery lava. A cave mouth leads to a maze of tunnels and chambers, and deep within this monster-infested labyrinth lurks the most terrifying creature of all: a red dragon. Who will survive the perils of Wrath of Ashardalon™? Designed for 1–5 players, this boardgame features multiple scenarios, challenging quests, and cooperative game play. This game includes the following components: • 42 plastic heroes and monsters• 13 sheets of interlocking cardstock dungeon tiles• 200 encounter and treasure cards• Rulebook• Scenario book• 20-sided die

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